Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome To The New Home Of App Store News!

I decided to start moving all of my WordPress blogs over to Blogger.com, due to it's intergration with my Google account services. Nothing else should be effected by this move, everything should continue to work as it did with WordPress.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments of this post.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

App Store News Update

So, it's been a while since I have updated this site with new reviews, it's because my iPod touch died on me a couple months ago. I have been working on getting a replacement, but so far it hasn't worked out too well. However, I have a new device and a new App Store to review. I recently purchased the Palm Pre Plus when I switched from Alltel to Verizon on August 14th. I will be doing reviews for the apps in the Palm App Catalog from now on.

I will not be abandoning this site, it will still be updated with the latest iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad news as I come across it.

In other news, I'm thinking about getting an iPad, hopefully within the next couple months. Stay tuned!

Check out the new App Catalog News!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Review: Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 is one of my most favorite video games, and I was thrilled when I saw it in the iPhone App Store, I immedately bought it. However, once I got into the game, I realized that it wasn't like the Resident Evil 4 I had played on a console system, not even close. First, you're just kind of dumped into the game, with no real clue what your supposed to do. Just start shooting at things that move and looks like a zombie. There was no real plot leading up to the gameplay, they gave you the background of what happened at Raccoon City, but they didn't have all the information that they gave you in the console version of Resident Evil 4.

I give the plot of Resident Evil 4 iPhone edition a 1 out of 5.

In the actual gameplay it really isn't all that bad. It has really good graphics for a mobile phone game, certainly nowhere near what you would find on the Xbox or Wii, but it was good for the device it was being played on. I noticed that the game lagged a lot for me, though I am playing it on a 1st generation iPod touch.

There is a Lite and Full version of Resident Evil 4, and it can be downloaded from the Games section of the App Store.

App Store Reviews

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Review: Tap Tap Revenge 3

Tap Tap Revenge 3 is the iPhone version of Guitar Hero in the sense that you play along to songs and score points for the less notes you miss. The touch screen on the iPhone gives a game like this a whole new experience because instead of having to hook up a controller to play like you do on Guitar Hero, the controls are right on the screen.

The game has a few basic songs to start you out with and you can download more from the built in music store. You pay for songs, but you can also download a lot of free songs, unlike Tap Tap Revenge 1 and 2, where all the songs on the store were free. Some free songs on the TTR3 store are locked until you get to a certain level.

The game preforms well on my 1st generation iPod touch, though there was some lag in the game which would make me occasionally miss notes, but it usually only happens when you iPod/iPhone is running out of memory, the fix for this would be to restart your device.

Another new feature new to TTR3 is Chat. You can now chat with other TTR players from around the world. You must be 13 years of age or older in order to *technically* chat, but who really listen to rules anyway? :P

Tap Tap Revenge 3 is Free and can be downloaded from the Music section of the App Store.

Upcoming reviews:

Resident Evil 4

Bejeweled 2



-App Store Reviews